
A Mouthful of Birds

Organised by: World-in-Theatre Performed by: Ang Gey Pin, Ranice Tay, Eleanor Ee, Theresa Wee-Yenko
  • Date:
    19 Jul 2020
  • Time:
    5:00pm (SGT)
  • Duration:
    1h 50min (no intermission)
  • Venue:
    Online (Zoom)
  • Language:


In an empty space, the carpet unrolls like a sky and the story begins. Souls come, gathering like birds. The child, searching for a name and dreaming of flight, meets a poet trying to find her wings, and a stork that attempts to re-discover her voice. Quests and songs guide the steps of these perpetual wanderers.

Will they find what they are looking for?

Where is the sky and how can we touch it?

Inspired by Conference of the Birds and The Little Prince, this is a journey about hope, magic and imagination in times of great uncertainty.

Background of the Process
On May 28, we presented our work-in-progress - A Mouthful of Birds Cloud Sharing - an exploration into how being confined to our own spaces and minds can lead to the opening and discovery of new possibilities. On 19 July, we will be presenting our final iteration of A Mouthful of Birds - the beginning of a new journey. As the world slowly reopens and begins to readapt to its new circumstances, we similarly begin our transition into a new phase of work. A Mouthful of Birds is a rediscovery of space, our sense of time and our relationship with one another.

Review Highlights (from Work-in-Progress)
could see the work of the actors with the varied tones of voice, displaying their inner realities and imaginations. The synchronization of actors and yet being in different worlds was alluring to me. Loved the moment of passing of scarf from one actress to the other. Truly magical.
- Beverly Low Yuen Wei, Artistic Director of Grain Performance & Research Lab

I see three separate beings trapped in their own space, searching for something. How analogous to us human beings living in such times of uncertainty.
- Tan Wei Ying, Theatre Practitioner

Artistic Team
Produced by WORLD-IN-THEATRE, in collaboration with the artistic team comprising ANG GEY PIN, RANICE TAY, ELEANOR EE, THERESA WEE-YENKO.

With support from LEE FOUNDATION.

- Introduction: 25min
- Actual Performance (with a separate link): 60min
- Behind-the-scenes/Q&A: 25min