Visual Arts

Beauty of Betta

Organised by: Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall
  • Date:
    16 Jun - 23 Sep 2018
  • Time:
    10:00am - 5:00pm
  • Venue:
    Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall
  • Admission:
    Free admission for Singaporeans and PRs


Betta splendens, more colloquially known as bettas or fighting fish, are popular as aquarium fish for their breath-taking beauty, despite their famously aggressive nature. During the colonial period, these tropical fishes were considered exotic and Singapore, being an entrepot, would import and re-export Bettas to countries all over the globe.

"Fish fighting" was also a common past-time amongst school children in the past. In Singapore, children would buy or sometimes even catch these fighting fishes in the river or longkang (drain), and have them fight other fish.

A collaboration between Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall and internationally renowned photographer Visarute Angkatavanich from Bangkok, Thailand, this exhibition showcases a selection of Visarute's stunning photographic works that perfectly capture the exuberant beauty of Betta splendens.