Theatre, Talk/Workshop, Festival

Southernmost: 1 Table 2 Chairs Project 2017 Physical Masterclass

Organised by: Emergency Stairs
  • Date:
    12 - 16 Dec 2017
  • Time:
    1:00pm - 5:00pm
  • Venue:
    The Arts House Blue Room
  • Admission:
    Early bird(10% off): 30 Sep - 30 Oct
    Registration ends on 30 Nov 2017


Wang Bin from Nanjing is a master of Kunqu, and China's first-class actor.

Didik Hadiprayitno is one of Indonesia's most well-known dancers, choreographers, and mask performers.

Liu Xiaoyi is an experimental theatre artist, known for pushing boundaries of the theatre performance.

Our bodies are not just flesh and blood. They are also institutions with cultures and stories. Our bodies influence how we move, how we think and how we create.

Both Kunqu and Javanese Dance carry with them hundreds of years of history. Their bodies are treasures , shaping the development of various traditional arts in Southeast Asia and Asia.

How are these traditional body vocabularies related to the institutions of the day? How is it related to the theatre of today? How can practitioners learn the treasures of yesterday and turn it into the treasures of today?

In this masterclass, participants will expect a 5-day intensive cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary physical workshop, learning the forms of history, and bridging it into the practice of today, and the future.

Participants will have the opportunity to showcase their discoveries to an audience, on the last day of the workshop.

Capacity: 30 participants

Instructors: Didik Hadiprayitno (Indonesia), Wang Bin (China), Liu Xiaoyi (Singapore)

Terms and Conditions:

1. Please do not pay via peatix for the masterclass until you have received a confirmation from us. (other modes of payment available: cheque and bank transfer)

2. To apply for this masterclass, please write to You can also email your questions to the same email address.

3. You are required to submit an application form and your CV for assessment.